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Eduard Kraft principal research topic is the anatomical and physiological basis of functional recovery processes and the rehabilitation of neurological patients. He is also interested in the neural mechanisms of reasoning, problem solving and executive functions in patients with neurodegenerative disorders, focal lesions and aging. Current studies are focused on reorganization of the representation of cortical and subcortical areas and the effect of interventions in the functional recovery. Another focus is the functional anatomy of executive functions (working memory, problem solving) in neurodegenerative disorders and focal brain lesions. Like

Research involves patients with stroke, neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. Parkinson´s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), complex regional pain syndrome, but also patients with focal brain lesions (for instance, frontal brain tumors). In 1997–1999 he was granted a Research Fellowship at the NMR Center (now Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging) at the Massachussetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Boston), where he spent two years working with Kenneth Kwong and Bruce Jenkins. Eduard Kraft is Member of the German Society of Neurology, of the International Movement Disorders Society and of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

Eduard Kraft Torrent

“ Candidatus Marithrix” is a recently described lineage within the group of large sulfur bacteria ( Beggiatoaceae, Gammaproteobacteria). This genus of bacteria comprises vacuolated, attached-living filaments that inhabit the sediment surface around vent and seep sites in the marine environment. A single filament is ca. 100 μm in diameter, several millimeters long, and consists of hundreds of clonal cells, which are considered highly polyploid. Based on these characteristics, “ Candidatus Marithrix” was used as a model organism for the assessment of genomic plasticity along segments of a single filament using next generation sequencing to possibly identify hotspots of microevolution. Using six consecutive segments of a single filament sampled from a mud volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, we recovered ca.

90% of the “ Candidatus Marithrix” genome in each segment. There was a high level of genome conservation along the filament with average nucleotide identities between 99.98 and 100%. Different approaches to assemble all reads into a complete consensus genome could not fill the gaps. Each of the six segment datasets encoded merely a few hundred unique nucleotides and 5 or less unique genes—the residual content was redundant in all datasets. Besides the overall high genomic identity, we identified a similar number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the clonal segments, which are comparable to numbers reported for other clonal organisms. An increase of SNPs with greater distance of filament segments was not observed.