Golovachev Ekonomika Predpriyatiya


Feb 25, 2013 - a>.

Abstract:In the article we gathered all key classification criteria for innovation of domestic and foreign economists. We proposed a conceptually new approach to the classification of innovations. More than 30 structuring characteristics allowing determining the place of innovations, their characteristics, capabilities, etc. Serve as a basis for the classification scheme of innovations.

The classification scheme has not only a theoretical significance, but also a practical application with relation to attraction of financing: taking into consideration the classification system, potential investors and other financial support institutions assess innovative projects and draw conclusions about the expediency of their launch, further implementation or transformed. References (transliterated): (2006). Download video lawak batak toba 2017

Rukovodstvo Oslo. Rekomendatsii po sboru i analizu dannyh po innovatsiyam [Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data] M.: TsISN. (in Russian). Afonichkin A.I.

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Osnovy menedzhmenta [Management basics] SPb.: Piter. (in Russian).

Teoriya organizatsii. Organizatsiya proizvodstva na predpriyatiyakh [Theory of organization. Organization of production at enterprises] M.: Dashkov i K. (in Russian). Innovatsionnyy marketing.

Ponyatiya, rynok, diffuziya innovatsiy, transfer tekhnologiy, innovatsionnye klastery, kraudsorsing i kraudfanding [Innovation marketing. Concepts, market, innovation diffusion, technology transfer, innovative clusters, crowdsourcing and crawfunding] M.: Izdatelskie resheniya.

(in Russian). Alekseev A.A., Arkin P.A., Bogdanova E.L., Vasilev V.N., Gatchin Yu.A., Titov A.B. Metodologiya modelirovaniya innovatsionnogo protsessa na baze teorii sistem i teorii setey [Methodology of modeling the innovation process on the basis of the theory of systems and the theory of networks] SPb.: Universitetskie Telekommunikatsii. (in Russian). Arutyunova D.V.

Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] Rostov n/D.: YuFU. (in Russian). Barysheva A.V., Baldin K.V., Golov R.S. Innovatsii [Innovations] M.: Dashkov i K.

(in Russian). Belikova I.P. Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] Stavropol: StGAU.

(in Russian). Belyaev Yu.M. Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] M.: Dashkov i K. (in Russian). Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] Novosibirsk: SibAGS. (in Russian). Organizatsionno-finansovye innovatsii v byudzhetnom sektore na primere postroeniya regionalnoy sistemy obschego obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Organizational-financial innovations in budgetary sector by the example of construction of a regional system of general education of the Russian Federation ] M., Berlin: Direkt-Media.

(in Russian). Burganova L.A., Tuzikova A.R. Regiony Rossii: «Obschestvo znaniya» kak uslovie realizatsii strategii modernizatsii i innovatsionnogo razvitiya [Regions of Russia: 'Knowledge society' as a condition for implementing the strategy of modernization and innovation development] Kazan: KNITU: Kazan: KNITU. (in Russian). Darmilova Zh.D.

Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] M.: Dashkov i K. (in Russian). Dorofeev V.D., Dresvyannikov V.A. Innovatsionnyy menedzhment [Innovation management] Penza: Penzenskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (in Russian). Dubrovin I.A., Esina A.R., Stukanova I.P.

Ekonomika i organizatsiya pischevyh proizvodstv [Economics and organization of food production] M.: Dashkov i K. (in Russian).