Samoobrazovanie Vospitatelya Detskogo Sada Tema Sensornoe Razvitie Detej Ranneg


Etapy tekhnologii, planirovanie raboty s doshkolnikami, podrobnye konspekty teatralizovannykh igr-puteshestvij, metodicheskie rekomendatsii po organizatsii igr-etjudov i igr-dramatizatsij na raznykh etapakh pomogut pedagogu detskogo sada vospitat detej otzyvchivymi, dobrymi i miloserdnymi ljudmi, neravnodushnymi k chuzhoj bede i radosti.

We present the results of an empirical study that reveals congruency of imagination as the main creative ability, and social status of preschool children in the peer group. We show the link between imagination and social status of the child in the peer group, as well as the dynamics of this connection in preschool age. Using the methods 'Picture competion' and 'Two houses', we studied 56 children aged 5 to 7 (including 25 boys and 31 girls). These results led the authors to conclusion that the more imagination is developed in a child of this age, the higher is his status in the peer group, and vice versa. We note that there are age- related dynamics of this conjunction: in the early preschool age, this relationship is pronounced, and by the time a child goes to school, the link almost disappears. The results of the study suggest the important role of imagination as a universal creative ability to build interpersonal relationships with peer preschoolers.

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From Finland to U.S.A. About this Item: VAKO, 2018. Condition: new. Posobie soderzhit rabochuju programmu po fizike dlja 11 klassa k UMK G.Ja.Mjakisheva i dr. (M.: Prosveschenie), sostavlennuju s oporoj na material uchebnika i trebovanija Federalnogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatelnogo standarta (FGOS). V programmu vkhodjat pojasnitelnaja zapiska, trebovanija k znanijam i umenijam uchaschikhsja, uchebno-tematicheskij plan, vkljuchajuschij informatsiju ob effektivnykh pedagogicheskikh tekhnologijakh provedenija raznoobraznykh urokov: otkrytija novogo znanija, obschemetodicheskoj napravlennosti, refleksii, razvivajuschego kontrolja. A takzhe svedenija o vidakh individualnoj i kollektivnoj dejatelnosti, orientirovannoj na formirovanie universalnykh uchebnykh dejstvij u shkolnikov.Prednaznacheno dlja uchitelej-predmetnikov, zavuchej, metodistov, studentov i magistrantov pedagogicheskikh vuzov, slushatelej kursov povyshenija kvalifikatsii.

Language: Russian. Pages: 48 EAN 046.

Seller Inventory # 6. From Finland to U.S.A. About this Item: Detstvo-press, 2015. Condition: new. Perspektivnoe planirovanie obrazovatelnoj dejatelnosti sostavleno na osnove opyta prakticheskoj raboty, v sootvetstvii s FGOS DO i s uchetom individualnykh osobennostej detej 3-4 let. Predstavleny primernyj plan raboty po osnovnym obrazovatelnym oblastjam, a takzhe konspekty obrazovatelnoj dejatelnosti.

Izdanie prednaznacheno vospitateljam doshkolnykh uchrezhdenij, rabotajuschim s detmi vtoroj mladshej gruppy. Language: Russian. Pages: 192 EAN 599. Seller Inventory # 10-706624 7. From Finland to U.S.A.

About this Item: Detstvo-press, 2017. Condition: new.

Perspektivnoe planirovanie obrazovatelnoj dejatelnosti sostavleno na osnove opyta prakticheskoj raboty, v sootvetstvii s FGOS DO, Primernoj programmoj doshkolnogo obrazovanija 'Ot rozhdenija do shkoly' pod redaktsiej N.E.Veraksy, T.S.Komarovoj, M.A.Vasilevoj i s uchetom individualnykh osobennostej detej 5 6 let. Raspredelenie tematiki obrazovatelnoj dejatelnosti po nedeljam dostatochno variativno, ee mozhno peremeschat v zavisimosti ot pedagogicheskoj situatsii.

Pedagogu, rabotajuschemu v gruppe, sleduet doverjat sobstvennomu opytu, intuitsii, opirajas na vozmozhnosti detej. V techenie nedeli osuschestvljaetsja raznoobraznaja kompleksnaja rabota, posledovatelnost provedenija kotoroj pedagogi mogut varirovat. Perspektivnoe planirovanie predstavleno v vide kompleksnogo planirovanija s ispolzovaniem sledujuschikh oblastej razvitija: 'Fizicheskoe razvitie', 'Sotsialno-kommunikativnoe razvitie', 'Poznavatelnoe razvitie', 'Rechevoe razvitie', 'Khudozhestvenno-esteticheskoe razvitie'. Predstavlen primernyj. Language: Russian. Pages: 256 EAN 854.

Seller Inventory # 8. From Germany to U.S.A. About this Item: Condition: New. Publisher/Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Investigating Social Movement Unionism and Coalitions of Trade Unions and Social Movements Few ways to extend greater influence through bodies of collective interest representation are available to trade unions in Poland. I assess whether Polish trade unions are on the path of revitalization by investigating five different modes of union-movement coexistence.