Serial Toolbook 115


Nizkourovnevoe formatirovanie zhestkogo diska hitachi. • 3D STUDIO MAX R3 • s/n: 16 • cd-key: SWP9UV • authcode: 4c2cacb4 • 3D STUDIO MAX R3 TRAINING • m2k490gm • A.D.A.M.

Mouse --------- -- 59 Qrden 5 [OIL n_ g Logitech HiRes C9 Serial..65 ventory. $115 4 Brin multitaskin toyour 386. 287 Asymetrix Toolbook. CleanSweep v1.02 by QuarterDeck for Windows: 000-15C-72794 or 115-25C-22620 or 666-25C-23457 Cleansweep v2.0 by QuarterDeck for Win 95: 001-16C-26703 or 001-16C-56728 CleanSweep v2.03 by Quarterdeck for Win95: 001-16C-26703 or 000-16C-76312.

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Note: these table list rates in bits per second. For asynchronous speeds at or below 600 bps and all synchronous speeds listed, this number is also the same as the baud (not 'baud rate'). For other speeds, the bits/second figure and the baud may or may not be the same: it depends upon the encoding used to carry the signal. The term 'baud' means 'symbols per second' and is already a rate. In normal operations, the 'baud rate' should therefore always be zero, thus indicating that signalling is happening at a constant speed.

The 'baud rate' will be non-zero at the times when signalling is starting, stopping, changing encodings, or changing rates. Asynchronous Speeds bits/sec notes 5 (approx) professional Morse Code 45.45 WWII era Radio TTY (aka RTTY) 60 Baudot 75 Baudot 110 TTY33; the old standby 134.5 IBM Selectrics 135 same as above 150 200 300 'it's so much faster than 110.' 600 Except for Bell 202A format (the 1200 bps one that no one used much; although it is now used for caller ID signalling), speeds above 600 bps are communicated at 600 baud, with multiple bits per symbol. Bits/sec notes 1 200 'boy, this is really fast.'


1 800 2 400 the speed modem that every machine came with after 9600 was available. 3 600 4 800 7 200 9 600 'at last, fast enough!' 14 400 but then came.